For over 35 years at BLB we have been designing and manufacturing directional control valves with passion, supporting our customers with the study and creation of innovative solutions. BLB Team has always focused on the search for solutions that allow an easy and convenient update and improvement of our customers’ applications and systems.
BLB products, all strictly Made in Italy, stand out for their compactness, lightness and for the high level of standardization and interchangeability of the components. Our management system is ISO 9001 certified, ISO 14001 certified, ISO 45001 certified and ISO 50001 certified.
Product personalisation, quick deliveries, keeping to deadlines as well as the constant focus on improvement create the true added value of the service provided by BLB which today, thanks to an efficient network of dealers, is present all over the world.
Roberta Balbinot
General Manager

Are you an Original Equipment Manufacturer?
Contact us and discover what BLB can do for you. We are available to help you improve your performance, ergonomics and to simplify your system. Whether a standard component or the need to develop a new product, we will be able to find the ideal solution for your requirements
Are you a hydraulic component Dealer? BLB places a lot of emphasis on constantly supporting its partners. Prompt deliveries, minimum investment in terms of stock, maximum flexibility as regards quantities: these are the strengths of our commitment to making your business as efficient and productive as possible. Contact us and find out how you too can become one of our partners.
Nuova tecnologia per processo di produzione di distributori oleodinamici
Intervento realizzato del finanziamento: POR — Obiettivo “Investimenti in favore della crescita e dell’occupazione” parte FESR Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale 2014-2020 / Asse 3 – Competitività dei sistemi produttivi – Azione 3.1.1 sub A – Bando per l’erogazione di contributi alle imprese del settore manifatturiero e dell’artigianato di servizi – Sportello A.
Investimento in tecnologie di ultima generazione diretto al passaggio alla transizione 4.0
Intervento realizzato avvalendosi del finanziamento: PSC — Piano Sviluppo e Coesione Veneto – Sezione Speciale parte Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione 2014-2020.
ISO 9001
ISO 9001