The proper functioning of the products in this catalog presented is strictly subordinate to the respect of indications, instructions and characteristics here listed. Utilization, usage and interventions different to those here described might cause defects and anomalies for which BLB can not be considered liable. To guarantee the characteristics of the valves that we indicate, make sure that maximum parameters are not exceeded during the functioning.

Following indications are essential:

  • Maximum flow
  • Maximum working pressure
  • Quantity and kind of functions
  • Oil supply system (parallel / series)

Important warning

Never use control valves as holding instruments.
Blb valves have internal oil leakage from ports (A and B) to tank line (T) for a quantity included between 5 e 30 cc3/min. This leakage is influenced by internal work tolerances of the valve and by conditions of use (pressure, viscosity and temperature of oil). To get a complete leakage free function the installation of suitable auxiliary valve has to be foreseen.

The following are some possibilities of installation:

  • Installation in a simple circuit with constant capacity pump
    • Standard valve
    • Regulation of the main relief valve (VL) when starting
  • Installation in a circuit having more valves in series with constant capacity pump
    • Valve must have high pressure carry over (CO – power beyond)
    • Regulation of the main relief valve (VL) when starting
  • Installation in systems fed by variable capacity pumps with pressure regulator
    • Valve with closed center plug (CCP)Valve with closed center plug (CCP)
    • Main relief valve (VL) must be removed and replaced with the relative plug (RVP).

Mounting instructions

An absolute cleanness is necessary during the mounting. Impurities can cause wear and deterioration of the functions. Do not use tapered screws or nipples. Valves must be mounted on an even surface, free from stress and vibrations. Valves should be protected by a rust preventer (paint). All seals and control joints should not contact any solvent during the pickling operations.


Check that all connections are correct and that all fastenings are thigt. Use exclusively hydraulic oil. A 20 µm oil filtration is recommended. The main relief valves (VL) must be adjusted at the maximum capacity.


All movable parts must be lubricated from tire to time. The maintenance of the oil filters should be periodically made. Check the parameters of the pressure and flow.